labor czar造句
- Green offered arguments on both sides of that issue, saying that, if elected, he would appoint a " labor czar " to advise him.
- The bank was affiliated with the Branleygran Company, and established by Theodore M . Brandle, a " labor czar " allied with Mayor of Jersey City Frank Hague.
- When Speer sought the appointment of Hanke as a labor czar to optimize the use of German labor, Hitler, under the influence of Martin Bormann, instead appointed Fritz Sauckel.
- Ford Motor is on the verge of formally announcing the divestiture of the unit, Visteon Automotive Systems, and on Friday it plans to name Ford's longtime labor czar, Peter J . Pestillo, as the new company's chairman and chief executive, according to a Ford executive.
- When General Motors Corp . was paralyzed by a 54-day strike last summer, several Wall Street analysts offered the same solution : GM's leaders should go to the home of Peter J . Pestillo, the longtime labor czar of Ford Motor Co ., and offer him any sum of money, no matter how large, to fix their problems.
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